Da oltre 125 anni, Kässbohrer sviluppa veicoli che hanno spinto i confini dell'ingegneria dei veicoli. Ben adattati alle esigenze dei nostri clienti in tutto il mondo, creiamo prodotti, progettati per durare, che aiutano a soddisfare le loro ambizioni, indipendentemente da quanto possano essere impegnative le loro esigenze. Ispirati dalla nostra storia di innovazione, guardiamo sempre al futuro, anticipando le sfide di domani e assicurandoci di poterle superare.

Oggi, Kässbohrer opera nei suoi stabilimenti di produzione a Goch / Germania, Adapazarı / Turchia ed è orgogliosa di tornare a casa a Ulm con la sua ultima struttura di produzione, distribuzione e assistenza.



I nostri clienti ripongono molta fiducia nei nostri veicoli e nella nostra azienda. Da Ulm a Seoul, in oltre 55 paesi, tutti i potenziali clienti esistenti ricevono consulenza personale di cui hanno bisogno dalla nostra vasta rete di vendita, assistenza post-vendita e servizi. La collaborazione transfrontaliera, la nostra rete di partner locali esperti e team di account chiave garantiscono che i nostri clienti siano assistiti dall'acquisto iniziale alla manutenzione delle flotte durante le operazioni.

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Goch Plant operates a total area of 108.000 m2 and is the main production, aftersales service and spare parts depot for Northern Europe.

From Goch, Kässbohrer not only exports more than 15 countries, such as  Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway but also takes the full advantage of the Goch’s strategic location at the heart of German Export and Intermodal Logistics – located in between E-31, part of the United Nations E-road network, and E-35, European route, running from Amsterdam to Rome.

As Kässbohrer focused on creating value for its customers, Kässbohrer supports Goch community as well, with strong partnerships with local industry associations, such as VLS-NRW, German Association for Transport and Logistics – North Rhine Westphalia, and with city representative bodies, such as Goch Municipality.


Adapazari plant with a total production area of 365.000 m2 is the biggest plant serving Kässbohrer. The plant has an annual semi-trailer production capacity of 20.000 units.

The plant has advanced manufacturing processes including on site cataphoresis (KTL) plant with integrated bio-chemical water treatment facility, an investment of  €10 Million completed in 2014. The electro-chemical coating process, namely KTL, creates perfect corrosion resistance for 10 years. Since 2016, mass production includes metallization on the chassis of low-beds and low-loaders.

The Adapazari plant hosts the R&D Prototype and Test Facility Center restructured in 2009 with a €4 million investment. An area of 1,800 menables the production and testing of more than one prototype vehicle at a time.

Between 2009 and 2013, our R&D Center developed 20 new product projects under 10 different product groups. In 2013, we have developed our own hydraulic steering system for low-bed vehicles and a new generation tipper. Also in 2014, we participated in Trailer Innovations 2015 with three different projects, namely Steer by Brake (SBB), Digital Trailer Control (DTC) and Rear Underrun Protection Device with Absorption Box (RUPD-AB). We are also the winner of 2017 Trailer Innovation Award with our STS.F truck with advanced safety systems designed for the transportation of dangerous goods.


In 2016, Kässbohrer has decided to return back to its hometown, Ulm. The decision came 23 years after the company had ceased its operations in this industrial city in Germany’s south-western state Baden-Württemberg and 123 years after Karl Kässbohrer founded the company.

Started its operations in January 2017, Kässbohrer Ulm Plant is a sales and after-sales center, as well as an production facility, serving  Southern Germany, as well as neighbouring countries, such as Austria, Poland and Switzerland. From its new location, Kässbohrer continues to offer its incomparably wide product range and its expertise in the maintenance and servicing for all semi-trailer type in its portfolio.
