We encourage all Kässbohrer teams as well as anyone to notify Kässbohrer of any actions they suspect to be in contradiction of policies and legislation.
Kässbohrer will protect any team member who make their notification and report in good faith against any retaliation
How to submit your notification?
Through the online compliance helpline available 24/7 in 6 languages, you can securely and if you prefer anonymously report to our Compnay, any actions that you suspect to be in violation of policies or legislation concerning Kässbohrer.
Kässbohrer Compliance Helpline is accessible to all our employees, stakeholders and the public. Kässbohrer will always protect the employees who report in good faith with the utmost care against any retaliation they may be exposed to.
The online compliance helpline is operated by a third party in full compliance with the Directive (Eu) 2019/1937 Of The European Parliament and of The Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, as well as the German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz – HinSchG).
How to send a report correctly?
- Always send true information
- Be as specific as possible - describe the situation and individuals involved in detail
- Attach any necessary attachments if needed
You can access the notification system here:
Third-party Compliance Helpline Phone:
E-mail to Compliance Officer:
[email protected]
Kässbohrer Compliance Helpline is not for urgent service or complaint requests.
For all support requests,complaints and information requests, you can contact us at [email protected]